Naturally Newborn Doula Amber Gunnet Naturally Newborn Doula Amber Gunnet

Leaky Boobs?

Let’s start with boobs, cause why not? A large chunk of the first few months of newborn life is about boobs. I'll be expanding on this topic later, but this is a good place to start. Breastfeeding requires so much work and β€œstuff.” Sometimes choosing the best products while nursing and adjusting to being a new mommy can be overwhelming.

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maternity, newborn, Belly and baby, Tab's 411 Tabetha Barden maternity, newborn, Belly and baby, Tab's 411 Tabetha Barden

The maternity shoot I will never forget.

I am going to be blogging more regularly, along with the other members of this incredible team. I have spent a lot of time thinking about what my first post should be about. What do I want to write about and what do people want to read? I could go on and on about my favorite TV shows. I could just post a bunch of images from recent sessions. I could even start a regular "teach you how to use your camera" segment. All these things are possible, but I would like to start with my favorite session of this year and the story behind it. 

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