Exciting changes ahead!

2017 is coming...and bringing exciting new changes!

As some of you may have noticed, we've recently expanded our offerings to include professional doula services. If you haven't checked out our new resident doula, please do! She's amazing and even attended my own birth! Also, her name is Amber...so you know she's cool. ๐Ÿ˜‰

We're also now hosting Hypnobabiesยฎ classes at the studio on Sundays. I took these classes leading up to my home water birth and they were extremely helpful! Carrie, the instructor, was my teacher and also my HypnoDoula. I am forever indebted to her for helping me achieve the birth I wanted.

These changes got me thinking....does the name Sugar Free Photography really fit in with the new services I'm hoping to offer? After all, they are not photography services. I kept going back to my tagline of "Naturally Sweet" and tried to configure a million different versions of that to come up with a new name. I finally landed on Naturally Newborn and I loved it! It totally fits the type of brand and services I am trying to build. Plus, I love alliteration. โ™ฅ๏ธ

Everything you have come to know and trust about Sugar Free Photography over the last 6 years will remain the same. Over these years, my vision for my company/brand has grown and evolved and this name change is just the start. I envision an ever expanding array of services that cater to Southern California's new moms. I want to be a reputable resource for moms to come and have the majority of their needs met. Future plans include Lactation services, babywearing education, prenatal massage, birth tub rentals and more.

But Amber, what about the photography??

Don't worry, I am not going anywhere. I will always remain your photographer. I will continue doing what I love, which is photographing bellies and babies. There is nothing I missed more while out on maternity leave than photographing clients. With my little guy about to turn 6 months old (where did the time go???) and exiting the needy newborn stage, I plan on returning to shooting full time.

Tabetha, who most of you know by now, will be assuming the roll of Associate Photographer and photo editor while our in house doula, Amber Gunnet, will be taking over the administrative tasks as our new Studio Administrator. This will be a gradual process, so please bear with us while the dust settles. I'm confident that with these new roles we will be able to create a more organized, streamlined and customer oriented experience.


All this being said, this is incredibly nerve wracking and scary for me. I've spent the last 6 years of my life building a brand that has become recognizable and trusted within the community. But I know, with the support of my amazing clients, that this will be a positive change for my business. It will also be a gradual process, with some overlap in the coming months while we work out all the kinks. The branding identity will remain the same for the most part, it really is just a name change. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Thank you so much for helping me make Sugar Free Photography a successful brand and studio. It has changed my life, truly. It not only supports my family, it also brings me happiness and fulfillment.

Early next year I plan on hosting a "reveal" party at the studio with lots of giveaways, specials and, of course, food and drinks! Stay tuned for the details. For those of you who came to my studio grand opening 3 years ago, you know we know how to have fun! ๐Ÿ˜‰


Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart.

And now, watch a video of my adorable little squish. ๐Ÿ˜


My Son is an Alien


Black Friday Weekend Sale